I work with an FQFC medical practice in a rural area. And I do not agree with all of the guidelines proposed. I submit prior authorizations with the existing guidelines. And among a lot barriers (aside from backorders and the drugs not even being available for at least since early/end of spring). It is important for these medications be available for people it was rightfully intended for people and for the reason it is indicated for. Regardless of it's cost. While media and even agents that work for insurance companies medicaid not excluded still offer recommend coverage of a drug that is not fda approved for weight loss is beyond me! When there are drugs there rightly indicated for... Already fda approved for it! If the standards of a persons bmi haven't been adjusted then neither should the requirements for coverage. I am NOT pro weight loss drugs on any day. And I understand the importance of lifestyle and personal responsibility. But still don't support the guideline changes as purposed.