Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit Regulation [9 VAC 25 ‑ 31]
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9/1/23  10:47 am
Commenter: Andy Hall

completely disagree with this absurd proposal

I am completely opposed to this regulation. This water stays on the boats for a very few seconds.  It is NOT bilge water.  Its water that comes from the bay.  No different than live wells, floor washdowns etc.  All commercial watermen would be affected by this.  Oystermen, crabbers, pound netters gill netters etc.

The recreational fishermen could be affected as well.  If each boat becomes a point source discharger, that means anything that goes overboard would have to be monitored and sampled at regular intervals.

This is nothing more than an attempt to kick the menhaden boats out of the bay!  Just another in a long list of attempts to do what the science does not justify.  The menhaden population is near historic highs.  The population is healthy and sustainable.  The reduction fleet catches 1/2 of 1% of the biomass.  If 99.5% left in the water is not enough to fulfill their role in nature, then we need to take a look at other species that are fished at much higher levels.

One last point.  I see many concerns about nitrogen/ phosphorus and other nutrients creating dead zones in the bay.  I would be interested in knowing how many people commenting here fertilize their lawns and gardens. That fertilizer ultimately ends up in the bay.  Hence algae blooms, dead zones.

CommentID: 220045