The Pandemic brought us no more in-home care for qualifying children, and we weren't able to obtain any prior to that but for 1 month due to the pay. I never got paid almost the entire first year of Appendix K, due to Service Facilitation Failures and NOBODY anywhere, could EVER help me fix that. Also, if outside caregivers are not limited to 40 hrs/week, neither should Parent Caregivers, because it IS a 24hr job for us. We do FAR MORE than care for our high-needs children, SO much paperwork, meetings, intakes, applications, ongoing doctor's visits and hospitals. 80 hrs/week would be a 'fair' compromise. There is NO inventory of people willing to work for what the DD Waiver pays for in-home due to the economics of the Pandemic and rising Minimum Wage in Virginia. We are overwhelmed MORE than ever, and Service Facilitators have a high rate of turnover, for YEARS, there are reports over and over of in-home caregivers going unpaid due to Red Tape and errors. Service Faciliation should be performed by the Counties for continuity of Services and some of those funds placed to the counties for Providing Consumer Directed Services, some directly to Parent Caregivers to at least pay a Minimum Wage for ALL the work we do all day and all night for our disabled loved ones. Parents are truly our children's BEST caregivers, who know them the best, and families should not have to go bankrupt due to having a high-needs Permanently Disabled child.