Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Guidance Document Change: Section 4.1-604(31) of the Virginia Code states that the Board of Directors for the Cannabis Control Authority shall have the power and duty to develop and make available on its website guidance documents regarding compliance and safe practices for persons who cultivate marijuana at home for personal use. This draft guidance document addresses the statutory requirements for cultivating cannabis plants in the home and practices to promote personal and public safety.
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2/1/23  11:59 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Avoid cannabis odor ordinance

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your time. I am writing today to address my concerns regarding odor nuisance regulations relating to cannabis cultivation. I believe there should be no violation of rights or potential for right to be infringed upon. Cannabis cultivation is legal and the odor can be contained although it is no stronger then the smell of the neighbors diner wafting over or their natural flowers blooming in the summer, the smell of their fire place etc. We should avoid any and all such odor ordinances. 

CommentID: 208482