Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Virginia Cannabis Control Authority
Guidance Document Change: Section 4.1-604(31) of the Virginia Code states that the Board of Directors for the Cannabis Control Authority shall have the power and duty to develop and make available on its website guidance documents regarding compliance and safe practices for persons who cultivate marijuana at home for personal use. This draft guidance document addresses the statutory requirements for cultivating cannabis plants in the home and practices to promote personal and public safety.
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2/1/23  4:07 pm
Commenter: Peter


It would be nice to provide citizens with a list of resources to contact in case of questions about cultivation.  There are many Specialty Grow Shops, social groups, and nutrient/soil companies located within the Commonwealth that can answer specific questions that Growers may have.  The major advantage that home cultivation provides is the knowledge and ability to choose how to cultivate and what individual citizens choose to consume.  Providing them with resources to find out what fertilizers, pesticides, etc contain is key and under the current document it simply advices to check other states regulations.  Providing people with contact information to those with knowledge of the products is paramount to allowing them to make the choice.

CommentID: 208393