Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Charitable Gaming Regulations [11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action Promulgation of Charitable Gaming Regulations by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, including electronic gaming provisions
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/23/2022
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11/7/22  2:20 pm
Commenter: Robert Mobley

Distribution of Gaming Proceeds

Dear Sir/Madam/Chairman,

This comment is based on the information I read about changing the "Virginia Gaming Distribution" policy.

The purpose of this email is to provide my comments in regards to changing the distribution requirements for proceeds generated from the use of "slot machines" in the  state of Virginia. With these changes, it will only make it harder for local gaming organizations to stay open and provide a reduced amount of distributions to charity as a result of this proposed policy change.

Actions to Consider

Item 1- Do nothing. Leave Existing Policy in place.

Item 2- Close ALL Slot Machines within the state of Virginia, Except Casinos, thus eliminating all charitable donations in the state of Virginia. Ending donations to Charitable Organizations shall include items such as scholarships, trips and all other associated events.

Item 3- With only casinos left to operate in Virginia there shall be requirements included for the casinos to subsidize the donations previously made by local non charitable organizations from their proceeds.

Item 4- Assure that none of the money collected by the state of Virginia from this policy change, is used to increase the government agencies for oversite or to create additional oversite agencies for gaming in Virginia. No additional money should be generated and used for this purpose.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert D. Mobley


CommentID: 205116