Can't use gaming funds for events that are just for members, really members are the only ones who play.
Signed in guest can play the machines but they have to use a members money! Ok well that makes no sense whatsovever!
Going all the way back to July to try and report everything the State wants. Start in January let everything get passed or not and let us get our Sh## together! Quick stressing out everyone for something that hasn't even passed.
Also everytime we close outside our permit hours we have to let someone at the State level know? Really so I guess they are controlling all aspects of our daily business now. Not only that if you have an event like Thanksgiving dinner if it includes all Vets and not just members you have to unplugged the machines and report it the State as well that you shut the power off. Come on can this be anymore ridiculuous.
Multiple checking accounts - We will have one for electronic gaming, one for Paper pull tabs and one for misc. Ridiculous
These are just the things that have came to light so far everytime I talk to some one there is more! Bottom line this is crazyness.