Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Charitable Gaming Regulations [11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action Promulgation of Charitable Gaming Regulations by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, including electronic gaming provisions
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/23/2022
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11/1/22  12:23 am
Commenter: FOE 4344, Moneta Va Robert Kennedy

Charitable gaming regulations

If the state of VA is trying to force organizations that raise money for charitable reasons out of business they are well on their way! Buy putting these new regulations in place they are most certainly going to force many organizations to close their doors.

This is an overreach of government who's ONLY intent here is to take money from charitable organizations that use gaming as a way to raise funds. In my view they see us as a cash cow, something they can tap into to strengthen their coffers with no regard for the work we do to help others in our communities.

They want to Tax these funds and limit the ways we can use the money we raise through gaming. For many of us gaming keeps our doors open! By the state dictating what we can and can't use the funds for is simply wrong. We already pay taxes and now their greed has found a new sourse that they can pillage. 

As a 501c8 we already must follow the federal code in order to qualify. Why do we now have to pay taxes and fees as well as file unreasonable reports to the state? I do understand the need to account for what we do to stay in compliance but these new regulations are excessive and need to be struck down.

I fear that if this trend continues our communities will suffer because we won't be here to help.

The other issue here is that the state does not know what they are asking us to do! This change took effect 1 July, 2022 but is still undefined by the agency in charge! This legislation was rushed through with no forethought as to how it will harm our organizations. 

I will have more to say on this as the next few weeks pass and I have time to speak with others and get more familiar with the regulations.


CommentID: 204079