Disapprove of new proposed regulations for VA Dept of SocServ.
My husband and I agree with Delegate Bob Marshall’s requests to the Virginia Department of Social Services. We also want to add that there was little joy in the news that the Catholic Charities groups in the state of Massachusetts had to close down their adoptions because of the implementation of a similar regulation. AND WHY WOULDN’T SIMILAR CONSCIENCIOUS AGENCIES OBJECT AND DO THE SAME IN VIRGINIA? Consider which other agencies would stay around to do the adoption placements? My husband and I used Virginia Catholic Charities located in Burke to do our adoption home study for an international adoption and were very pleased, but like the MA Catholic Charities they would MOST LIKELY shut down with such a regulation. Instead of doing what they consider immoral, they would have no choice but to stop doing work that they are so good at and have been doing for so many years.