AES Clean Energy (AES CE) appreciates the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) recognition of the current delays in the review process for stormwater management (SWM) and erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans where DEQ is the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) authority, and we applaud the agency’s initiative to create a more streamlined process. AES CE is overall supportive of the proposal, however requests clarification on the below items and makes the applicable recommendations:
How will application deficiencies be communicated from agencies to the applicant? To streamline the response time to potentially several agency requests, AES CE recommends that an applicant be provided with a consolidated list of requests, and once those deficiencies are addressed by the applicant, the application be deemed approved. If DEQ elects to audit an application and deficiencies are observed within the 60-day period, then the applicant should be notified by email no later than five working days after the 60-day period. DEQ should consider building a website where an applicant can view the status of their application to facilitate review transparency and timely communication.
AES CE recommends that DEQ be required to communicate to the applicant the date that which DEQ elected to not conduct a completeness review during that initial 15-day period and noting the commencement date of the 60-day period. Such communication should be emailed to the applicant no later than five workings days from the date at which DEQ elected to not conduct a completeness review. AES CE reiterates the need for a website to review application status.
“7 For purposes of this guidance, as a rule of thumb, if greater than 25% of the Limits of Disturbance (LOD) is Impervious (including unconnected impervious area), then DEQ will consider the site to be High Risk, if 10-25% of the site is Impervious then DEQ will consider the site to be Medium Risk, and if less than 10% of the site is Impervious, then DEQ will consider the site to be low risk.”
This language, in conjunction with the March 29, 2022 and April 14, 2022 DEQ memorandums characterizing solar panels as impervious surfaces, negatively targets the solar industry in this audit process and is effectively stating that all solar projects will need to go through the general plan review process. AES CE recommends removing this language and doing a random sampling from the pool of projects for audit.
AES CE recommends that DEQ re-evaluate the penalty for Dual Combined Administrators as the potential for the two identified trends of deficiency are common for large scale, complex project and the penalties associated include significant time and fees for the individual. AES CE also recommends that penalties for DEQ representatives be clearly identified in this section for instances including (1) they do not meet outlined timelines and (2) approved plans are followed but become enforcement issues. If DEQ elects to retain this penalty for Dual Combined Administrators, will this information be available to future applicants to inform them of which Dual Combined Administrators are not meeting these standards.
AES CE recommends revising this requirement for inclusion of the geotechnical investigation report within the plan submission to instead require only a reference note to the report rather than providing a separate standalone document. Pertinent information provided in the geotechnical report will be depicted in the plan submission and providing a standalone document is redundant.
AES CE recommends revising this certification statement to specify that wetland permits required by law will be obtained prior to commencing land disturbing activities in proposed impact areas.
AES CE recommends revising this certification statement to specify that permission to construct any offsite improvements will be obtained prior to commencing land disturbing activities in proposed offsite areas.
AES CE recommends revising this certification statement to specify that all offsite nonpoint source nutrient credits will be obtained prior to commencing land disturbing activities in associated impact areas.