I would like to see Virginia’s energy policy be all-inclusive and equitable. Propane is an environmentally friendly energy solution that is affordable, reliable, versatile, and abundant. Energy diversity is an important part of the energy equation, and I believe that propane is uniquely situated to serve an important role in Virginia's energy mix. Too often, we have put all of our ideas into one or two technologies only to find out down the road that we have no viable alternatives or solutions to turn to that are competitive, reliable, responsible, and rurally accessible. Propane is essential to the Energy Plan and is one of the cleanest, most efficient forms of energy available. While renewable sources of energy can be an important part of the energy mix, we must not look past proven, reliable, and readily available energy sources such as Propane. Propane can be used to help reduce emissions for heating, cooking, water heating, transportation, emergency backup power and other industrial uses. Propane is domestically produced, accounts for over 1,600 full-time jobs in the Commonwealth, and is environmentally friendly. Propane is energy for all Virginians