I am a parent and middle school teacher in Virginia. I STRONGLY support a policy on allowing sexually explicit materials in our Virginia schools. I can tell you first hand from teaching in a middle school in Virginia that we have books in our library that are completely out of line and inappropriate for me to read let alone a developing middle schooler.
There is a definite need for specific actions that every school MUST take in order to ensure sexually explicit materials are correctly identified and seen by parents first. I am concerned that, unless certain minimum standards are expressly mandated as opposed to providing examples or suggestions that many schools may find ways around what they consider to be mere guidance and continue to place these inappropriate reading materials in front of young eyes.
The opposition will tell you students are ready for these explicit reading materials and we shouldn't limit their choices and the library associations will bully you into thinking parents should have no say in what their children are reading but I am here to tell you IT DOES MATTER what my kids are reading. I have seen as a parent and as a middle school teacher how it affects the kids. It enters their minds and affects their thoughts and behaviors in a big way. We MUST protect our children.
PLEASE push forward with this on behalf of the Virginia's children. PLEASE. We need a voice for them.