Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Historic Resources
Board of Historic Resources
Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans [17 VAC 5 ‑ 40]
Action Promulgation of Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans
Stage Fast-Track
Comment Period Ended on 4/13/2022
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3/14/22  12:02 pm
Commenter: Erik Curren

Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans [Under De

I am writing to oppose the "fast track" consideration of new regulations on contextualizing monuments and memorials to war veterans, especially connected to the Civil War. I am a living history interpreter of Union General Ulysses S. Grant and I also run the website marking the bicentennial of his birth, My studies of Grant's life and career and the history of the Civil War in general have taught me that the issues over which it was fought are certainly relevant to today, but that the past is also "a foreign country" as the old saying goes, with different context from the present. That's why I support adding new context to connect accurate history with issues important to Americans today. But since both the history and the issues are complex, the process to add context should be well constructed. Significant financial and cultural resources were invested in creating monuments and memorials in the past. The regulations for recontextualizing them today should be a careful one with sufficient time to consider all the issues involved. Public review and input should also be an integral part of the process of writing regulations. Fast tracking is not appropriate in this case. Thanks for your consideration.

CommentID: 120722