Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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2/25/22  10:20 am
Commenter: Dawn Espelage

Individual Freedom vs Others' Safety

As someone who works and lives with a vulnerable population, I have seen first hand deaths from COVID - including those who were fully vaccinated. I don't enjoy wearing a mask - worse is the idea that I might infect someone. As the mask restrictions have decreased, my freedoms and funds (i.e., grocery delivery) have decreased as I have to reduce the risk of carrying an infection.  I will continue to mask regardless of mandates; however, those that don't want their "freedom" infringed upon by not wearing a mask are endangering others. I always thought that's where freedom ended and the greater good began. There is another variant, considered more contagious making it's way across the world and no one knows yet what that will look like in terms of another surge.  Even during this down-trend, reportedly over 100,000 people are infected daily and over 2000 die every day due to COVID.  Mask wearing is not about Republican beliefs vs Democrat beliefs; it's not about individuals right vs government intervention; it's about caution and caring for one's neighbor. 

CommentID: 120222