I do not agree with any mandates of vaccines, especially if there are no options for religious or conscience exemptions. Specifically, the Covid-19 vaccines should not be mandated on several grounds.
First, each of the vaccines offered in the U.S. have been and remain Emergency Use Authorization. The recent FDA-approved versions are not yet available in the U.S.
Second, they are not equivalent to other vaccines, meaning that they do not make one immune to the disease. They may lessen the effects of the disease, but all indications are that vaccinated individuals still pass on the disease. In this case, it is likely that a vaccinated person will spread the disease more readily than a non-vaccinated person, as they will have milder symptoms and likely take longer to realize they are sick. If this were not the case, the petitioner would have no reason to presume that her daughter was at risk at all if she was already vaccinated.
Third, conscience protections in the U.S. have always been important and paramount. For localities to begin forcing individuals to get vaccines or other treatments against their will is simply wrong.
Fourth, also due to the EUA status of these vaccines, many people feel that they cannot not give informed consent for the vaccines as the information about their safety and effectiveness—especially long-term—cannot be verified.
For these reasons, I do not agree with the proposed teacher and student Covid-19 vaccine mandate, and I urge the board to deny it’s implementation.