The mere fact that this is even being considered is bothersome to say the least...
This notion that, we the people, are subject to rule by forced mandates to wear a specific item of clothing is in direct violation of Constitutional rights granted to us by the Constitution of Virginia and the United States Constitution.
We are not subjects to a Lord -we are free people - to freely choose. Any law requiring the wearing of a garment over the face or head violates Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression. Not to mention a good argument for violation of the 14th Amendment and Civil Rights violations, as well as, discrimination of disabilities.
You do not get to grant yourselves authoritarian based on a medical matter. One, I will note - you do not have all knowledge of - this is being played by the ear. Nor do you get to use such an issue as a means to justify violations of Constitutional rights and stripping them from the residents of this state.
I would hope you will consider Not making law that has a quick route to the courts, costing the tax payers of this state an unnecessary financial burden.