Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
EVV puts an unnecessary burden on underpaid attendants who have important jobs taking care of the disabled. The app crashes, gps is spotty and it can take up to 30 mins to log in or log out. The attendant then has to go unpaid on the front side trying to log in or risk going over the consumer’s allotted DMAS hours upon log out if it isn’t working on the final day of the pay week, again going unpaid for an entire day of work.
If the consumer is having a seizure, the attendant has to decide if logging in/out or taking care of consumer is more important. It’s not a fair choice and one that never had to be made with the website portal method.
Requiring the attendant to clock in daily is invasive, a time-suck, and unfair/unsafe to the attendant and consumer.
Return to the prior website timesheet and restore sanity to the disabled and their caregivers - both deserve better than EVV!