Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Standards Established and Methods Used to Assure High Quality Care [12 VAC 30 ‑ 60]
Action Electronic Visit Verification
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2020
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3/19/20  10:58 am
Commenter: Chris Richardson

Live-ins forgo a salary/career to be available 24/7 and provide state's most cost effective service
Live-ins forgo a salary/career to be available 24/7 and provide state's most cost effective service

It is criminal what the state gets away with paying live-ins to provide the state's most affordable one-on-one care service.  These live-ins have no benefits, do not make a decent salary, or have a chance at a career.  Live-ins care and shouldn't be treated as criminals; the only criminal here is the state demanding more and more from live-ins until there is nothing left to give; until they are forced to stop caring.  Stop demanding more from live-ins and follow the federal government example and exempt live-ins.  They are not criminals, and they are not guilty until proven innocent. 

CommentID: 79867