Action | Licensed Adult Day Care Centers Regulation Comprehensive Revision |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 10/30/2019 |
Recommendations for Adult Day Care regulations.
Submitted by:
Carla C. Groff
Bedford Adult Day Center
1617 Oakwood Street
Bedford, VA 24523
Phone: 540-586-8424
22VAC 40-61-330 Part D: Activities.
Current regulations have no requirement for a “designated staff person” responsible for activities. Adding the requirement for a “designated” activity staff will create hardship on providers from a financial perspective as well as a staffing perspective.
The proposed regulations on who can meet the qualifications as a “designated” activities staff person are too restrictive from an educational as well as experiential perspective. The requirements will be difficult for facilities to meet from a budgetary standpoint as well the standpoint of securing qualified staff.
Assisted Living regulations also have an option for 40-hour department-approved activities training. This would also be a good option for ADHC
The proposed regulations 22VAC10-61-330 Activities, Part D should either be eliminated in its entirety or changed as follows.
22VAC10-61-330 Activities, Part D
1. Be a qualified therapeutic recreation specialist, activities professional, or related creative arts specialist, or related health care clinician.
2. Be eligible for certification as a therapeutic recreation specialist, activities professional or related creative arts specialist, or related health care clinician.
3.No change.
4. Have a least an Associates degree in a human service, health care, education, physical education, humanities, psychology, social sciences, social work, disability studies, fine arts, or related field.
5.Have one-year full-time experience within the last five years in a health care or disability services program. (omit activities program). or
6. Prior to or within six months or employment, have successfully completed 40 hours of department-approved training in adult group activities and in recognizing and assessing the activity needs of participant.
22VAC 40-61-160. First Aid and CPR certification.
Part A. First Aid.
Comment: This regulation is contradictory.
Recommendation: The regulation should read as follows:
22VAC40-61-1: Definitions:
To clarify who would count as direct care staff, and who would need direct care staff training, the definition of “Direct Care Staff” needs clarification.
“Direct Care Staff” means supervisors, assistants, aides, or other staff of a center who assist participants win the performance of personal care or ADLS and are counted in the staff to participant ratio.
Respectfully Submitted:
Carla C. Groff