I would like to have inscribed: "She saw a better way, and she tried it out". I want my grandchildren to be proud that their grandparents put solar PV panels all over the barn in 2012, drove hybrid and plug-in cars, and other conservative actions like recycling, composting, mending, planting trees. I want them to also be the kind of Virginia citizens who don't waste resources, who are proud to use science and critical thinking in everyday life, who plan for the future, and who are not afraid to try out better ways.
Collectively, our energy plan for the future IS our Tombstone Inscription. Did we see a better way and commit to trying it out? Were we good citizen leaders who used science, and committed to responsible stewardship for the future? Did we really try out free solar and wind power to make energy where it is used? Did we prioritize clean water and air over quick natural gas export profits? If not, our grandchildren, and history. will judge us foolish and short-sighted.