Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Energy
Department of Energy
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7/15/18  5:18 pm
Commenter: Ann Hays

clean energy

I wholeheartedly support maintenance of the earth for our clean energy for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, neighbors and their heirs and feel every decision should be made through this lens. 

This means clean energy: solar, wind, water and believe that any responsible citizen does as well for  As a consequence I support political groups and candidates who have hold similar principles.

I oppose offshore drilling, pipelines not intended to supply energy to local communiites, fracking and contamination of precious water resources, and any other utilitzation of the earth's resources to further increase the wealth of the wealthy.

Similarly, I oppose the use of my tax dollar and my utility payment to build enery resources like the pipeline that are of no benefit for Virginians and their heirs. 

Thank you for your consideration. Ann Hays












CommentID: 65706