Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Air Pollution Control Board
Regulation for Emissions Trading [9 VAC 5 ‑ 140]
Action Repeal CO 2 Budget Trading Program as required by Executive Order 9 (Revision A22)
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/31/2023
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3/11/23  5:01 pm
Commenter: Sarah Menon

Keep Virginia in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

I oppose the Youngkin adminstration's selfish, misguided, and politically-motivated attempt to repeal Virginia's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Iniative (RGGI). The RGGI is greatly benefiting people all across Virginia by markedly reducing power plant emissions (and thus the health impacts of air pollution), providing funds for flood mitigation, and helping low-income Virginians access energy-efficient housing. It also shouldn't be necessary to state the obvious, but reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential for ensuring a healthy future for our children. Finally, participating in RGGI keeps Virginia on a forward-looking path of conversion to renewable energy; we don't want to fall behind by continuing to rely on fossil fuels, which are only increasing in cost, especially relative to renewable energy.

CommentID: 211511