As a teacher and parent of a trans child, I vehemently oppose the 2022 model. School should be a safe haven where children are educated, cared for, fed, and looked out for. It is often the only safe place a child has. Transgender and nonbinary children absolutely deserve this same safety and caring.
Forcibly outing children and refusing to use their name and pronouns is nothing more than bigotry at its finest and has no place in our schools. We don't allow teachers to discriminate against any other facet of children's lives and their gender identity should be no different. Discrimination of any kind should not be tolerated in Virginia's schools.
A teacher's religion has no bearing on what they do in the classroom. They cannot talk about their beliefs, shame children for not believing as they do, or force their beliefs on their students. Trans and nonbinary students have the same right to not have a teacher force their religious beliefs on them. If a teacher cannot use a student's chosen name because of their religion, then they have no business in a public school classroom. Teachers have the choice to be there, transgender and nonbinary students do not.
We have been so fortunate that students and staff alike have been so supportive of our daughter as she made her transition. Every staff member she has encountered has respected her as a person by calling her by her preferred name and pronouns. Every child that enters a Virginia public school deserves this same respect. The 2022 Model affords them none.