Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
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The phrase in the proposed VDSS regulation "[t]he licensee shall prohibit acts of discrimination based on ... religion [and] sexual orientation ...." is both contradictory and unconstitutional. It is a regulation designed to overtly discriminate against Christians who believe that homosexuality and any form of same-sex union is in direct opposition to sincerely-held religious beliefs.
Both medicine and science have long held that homosexuality is not an immutable characteristic such as race, color, sex, ethnicity, age or disability. This proposed regulation is sanctioning blatant criminalization of Christianity through government employees' and private citizens' forcible and compulsory acceptance of behavioral lifestyles that science and medicine defy is natural and normal to the human condition.
State governments do not hold authority to create or amend regulations that violate the United States and Virginia Constitutions through the creation of a new class of religious Christian victims in favor of the VDSS' creation of a new class of people based solely upon their behavior. Reject homosexual adoption and stop the criminalization of Christianity!