Action | Adopt new standards for licensed private child-placing agencies. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/1/2011 |
To say that "discrimination" based on "race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, politicalbeliefs, sexual orientation, disability, or family status" is probited in judging peoples fitness to be foster parents is simply insane.
Not only should this regulation NOT be adopted but the persons who promulgated this non-sensical and contradictory regulation must be FIRED as they are manifestly unfit to draw tax payers dollars to serve these poor children and families, lacking even the most rudimentry common sense and decency to understand their own actions, unless they have sinister motives.
First, it is well known that persons in irregular relationships and unusual sexual habits ARE NOT FIT TO CARE FOR CHILDREN! In fact they are DANGEROUS to children! Statistics are numerous that children are up to 35 times more likely to be molested by non-marital, non-real parental adults than their own natural parents living in a traditional and permanent marriage. Given that, a reasonable person would think the agency would be especially concerned about finding NORMAL two parent, married families, to care for foster and adoptive children.
Sexual perverts are likely to try to recruit children into their "lifestyle" which often causes death at an early age from STD's, drug and alcohol use and even suicide. Children need normal mom and dad role models.
Something else is obviously at work here, a political agenda that could care less for the well being of children.
It is hardly worth expanding on the idiotic idea that physical fitness and age not enter into the picture. Imagine a 90 year old, blind couple who desperately want to care for foster children!
And, it is well known that children do best with other people, including foster parents to whom they can relate, in apearance and culture, unless they come from a crack whore house where you definitely want to "upscale" their placement. That means DISCRIMINATION!
Expect a blizzard of lawsuits against you if you put this idiocy into force!
BTW, I have no professional training in social work or psychology or filling out paperwork or understanding often contradictory and confusing bureaucratic regulations. But I am a Dad and a Grand Dad and have real world experience --- something lacking among some of your staffers.
Michael H. Smith
Chase City