Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Energy
Department of Energy
Regulations on the Eligibility of Certain Mining Operators to Perform Reclamation Projects [4 VAC 25 ‑ 145]
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description The regulation enables the Director to allow experienced coal surface mining operators meeting certain eligibility requirements to bid on contracts for reclamation projects under the Division of Mined Land Reclamation's Abandoned Mine Land Program. Those eligible operators would be excused from the licensing requirements of Title 54.1 "Professions and Occupations" of the Code of Virginia.
State Authority Virginia Code Sections 45.1-260 , 45.1-261.1 , 45.1-263
Federal Authority None entered
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation To protect public health, safety and welfare with the least possible costs and intrusiveness to the citizens and businesses of the Commonwealth.

To provide flexibility for surface coal mining operators to bid on contracts for reclamation projects under the Division of Mined Land Reclamation's Abandoned Mine Land Program.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Michael Skiffington  / Regulatory Coordinator
Address: Department of Energy
1100 Bank Street, 8th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219-3402
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)692-3212    FAX: (804)692-3237    TDD: (800)828-1120
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Regulatory action to reflect agency name change and recodification of Title 45.1 Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 03/31/2022.
Technical changes as the result of periodic review Fast-Track Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/19/2012.

Periodic Reviews
Last Activity Status
7/30/2020 Agency Completed Retain As Is
12/21/2016 Agency Completed Retain As Is
4/19/2011 Agency Completed Amend
9/7/2007 Agency Completed Retain As Is