Regulations on the Eligibility of Certain Mining Operators to Perform Reclamation Projects
[4 VAC 25 ‑ 145]
Periodic Review of this Chapter
Includes a Small Business Impact Review
Date Filed: 4/19/2011
Notice of Periodic Review
Pursuant to ยง 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia and Executive Order 14 (2010), The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME) is conducting a periodic review and invites public comment on the following regulations:
4VAC 25-60 Rules and Regulations Governing the Installation and Use of Automated Temporary Roof Support Systems
4VAC 25-70 Rules and Regulations Governing Disruption of Communications in Mines
4VAC 25-90 Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of Diesel Powered Equipment in Underground Coal Mines
4VAC 25-101 Regulation Governing Vertical Ventilation Holes and Mining Near Gas and Oil Wells
4VAC 25-110 Rules and Regulations Governing Blasting in Surface Mining Operations
4VAC 25-120 Rules and Regulations Governing Installation and Use of Cabs and Canopies
4 VAC 25-145 Regulations on the Eligibility of Certain Mining Operators to Perform Reclamation Projects
DMME will consider whether these existing regulations are essential to protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public. DMME will also consider the effect of these regulations on small business. DMME welcomes specific comments on the performance and effectiveness of these regulations and also requests suggestions to improve the content and organization of the regulations to make them more understandable and useful.
The comment period for this review begins on May 9, 2011 and ends at 5 p.m. on May 31, 2011. Comments may be submitted to Michael Skiffington, Regulatory Coordinator, DMME Division of Administration, 1100 Bank Street, 8th Floor, Richmond VA 23219 or email Regulations may be viewed online at the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall site located at, or copies will be sent upon request.
Publication of Notice in the Register and Public Comment Period
Published in the Virginia Register on 5/9/2011
Comment Period
begins on the publication date and
on 5/31/2011
Comments Received: 0
Review Result
Amend the regulation
TH-07 Periodic Review Report of Findings
(not yet submitted)
Action Implementing the Result
Attorney General Certification
Prior to early 2014, AG periodic review certifications were done off-line