Description |
This regulation (actually, individual documents) includes the documentation that the Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner or other authority having jurisdiction over highways must retain in writing (and have on file available for public inspection) before he may alter speed limits, and differentiate speed limits for daytime or nighttime driving, as provided by Section 46.2-878. The Office of the Attorney General has found that this regulation is exempt from the APA under 9-6.14:4.1 B11 (effective 10/1001, 2.2-4002 B11).
State Authority |
Section 46.2-878
, Code of Virginia
Federal Authority |
Text of Regulation |
Link to Virginia Administrative Code |
Goals of Regulation |
VDOT seeks public comment regarding the following question: Does the regulation meet the following goal?
1. To protect the public's health, safety, and welfare with the least possible intrusiveness to the citizens and businesses of the Commonwealth.
Meetings |