Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit for Non-Contact Cooling Water Discharges of 50,000 Gallons Per Day or Less [9 VAC 25 ‑ 196]
Action Amend and Reissue Non-Contact Cooling Water VPDES GP Regulation
Comment Period Ended on 6/29/2016
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6/8/16  2:05 pm
Commenter: Megan Addington

Where Recycle Options Exist -- Why Risk Health and Industry of the Area?

There are several examples across the country of alternatives to coal ash other than storing it.  Seepage into our waterways is not acceptable when it can be recycled and put to better use other than a potential disaster. Example in Evansburg where they reuse and repurpose it, combine it with other elements to create non-toxic materials used in construction as well as filling up old mines.  The alternative being that current regulatory standards in Virginia are below what they should be and as more health and wellness reports are starting to show the increase in Cancer, Birth Defects and right down to the record lows of the fish and wildlife population in our waterways is devestating.  I'm not with any organization or company, I'm just part of a family and my husband lived and worked in Russel County, VA all his life until he moved to this community and I've seen what a terrible effect the 1967 spill caused.  Virginia and North Carolina are among the worst for dealing with their industrial waste and I really think we need to stop that in order to have healthy land for our children to inherit as well as to live old enough to see them grow up.

I could understand if there were no options but there are!  There are great ones that provide a useful material that could be sold or repurposed constructively and keep us from having a potential major contamination and spill.  Trying to store anything that can pollute the water table in an area prone to tropical storms, flooding and having a lot of well, water.. just seems absolutely stupid to me.

CommentID: 50194