Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/20/14  7:58 pm
Commenter: Chris Drew

Expired is not valid?

That is a comment I just read.  Do people not understand how illogical this is?  How can someone even remotely compare an expired registration on a car or an expired drivers liscense with voting?  Voting is a right, driving is a privilege.  But even more important, the reason a driver's liscense or  a registration expires is because those are permits that need to be renewed, and for good reason.

If someone goes into a bar and they ask for an ID they check your birthdate and photo, they are not going to care about your name or the expiration date.  If you go to vote, they will look at the name and the photo to make sure it is you, they won't care about the birthdate and shouldn't care about the expiration date.  Whether your driver's liscense is in order for driving is irrelevant when it comes to voting.

Clearly the SBE recongnized the irrationality of an expiration date when they designed the official voter ID photo ID card, because it does not contain an expiration date.

CommentID: 33455