Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/17/14  3:41 pm
Commenter: Tom Johnson

Photo ID rules - setting up obsticals, denying access to the polls

I'm deeply disturbed by constant ratching up of restrictions to the polls. I frankly believe that concerns over fraud (widespread  fraud has never been shown)  are far outweighing easy access to the polls. 

I find Senator Obanshain's proposal to disallow use of an expired driver's license or passport is a horrible idea that will impact the elderly. The "compromise" to allow expired IDs of less than 30 days is no compromise. I recommend that the original recommendation with no limits on expiration , assuming the photo still resembles the individual, be an acceptable form. Let's work enfranchise voters and stop efforts by Republicans to disenfranchise.  








CommentID: 33207