Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Managing your agency users

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What information to consider and obtain before creating a Town Hall user account

When you create a new user account, you may grant the user the power to perform one or more of the following functions: Obtain from or assign to the new user (1) a User ID, and (2) a unique password. You may wish to assign all users in your agency with the same User ID, e.g., your agency initials. A password must be at least seven characters and contain at least one non-alphanumeric, e.g., !, ?

Note: Users that do not have access to certain features or pages will not able to see the links and/or buttons that link to those restricted features. If a user attempts to access a page, which they do not have permission to, the system will display an access denied page, even if the page access attempt was by directly typing in the URL of the page. If a user attempts to access a page and is not logged in, the system will prompt for the user to login.

How to create a Town Hall user account

How to edit a user account

How to delete a user account

How to unlock a user account

Why and how to view a log of your agency's actions on the Town Hall

Certain actions on the Town Hall system are recorded to help create a history of changes (audit trail) so that previous actions can be re-visited if necessary. Once the data is saved on a specific action page, a log entry is generated indicating the user who performed the action, date, and the type of action performed. The actions currently being logged are:
In order to view a log of all your agency's actions, take the following steps:
Step 1:  On the blue menu bar, click on the agency functions dropdown list and select "View logs."
Step 2:   Specify search criteria and click "Search."