Petition Information | |
Petition Title | WQMPlan Amendment - Merck & Co., Inc. |
Date Filed | 1/8/2007 |
Petitioner | Stephen E. Tarnowski, Asst. Counsel, Merck-Safety & Environmental Law |
Petitioner's Request | Amend the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9 VAC 25-720), within section 50.C, to increase Merck's total nitrogen allocation from 14,619 lbs/yr to 43,835 lbs/yr, and total phosphorus allocation from 1,096 lbs/yr to 4,384 lbs/yr. The request is based on scientific and engineering studies conducted to determine technically feasible and equitable nutrient removal treatment of Merck's process wastewater. It is Merck's understanding that this approach is consistent with the State's implementation strategy for nutrient discharge control in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that required comparable levels of effort from all affected dischargers and that industrial dischargers would be considered on a case-by-case basis. |
Agency's Plan | Public-notice receipt of the petition and provide for a 21-day public comment period. Upon close of the public comment period, review any comments received and then make a decision to either initiate a rulemaking or place the petition on the Board's next meeting agenda for their consideration. |
Comment Period | Began 2/5/2007 Ended 2/26/2007 0 comments |
Agency Decision | Initiate a regulatory change |
Response Date | 3/8/2007 |
Agency Decision Summary | Type over this text and enter a summary of the agency's decision. |
Associated regulatory action | Amend Nutrient Waste Load Allocations in Section 50.C. for the Merck WWTP and the Frederick-Winchester Service Authority Opequon WRF Latest Stage: Final |