Action | Periodic Review of the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 5/12/2021 |
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The draft SEL standards is an overtly partisan view of how society ought to be.
I went through the document and found words like bias used without definition, deep emphasis on groups, group identities, and intersectionality; collective goals vs. individual goals; global citizen, vs. American citizen - you get the idea. Two of my favorites:
"SoA2: 7-8a, I can recognize and describe unfairness and injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviors, policies, practices, and laws.
SoA2: 7-8b, I can explain the difference between conscious bias and unconscious (implicit) bias."
Unfair and unjust speech? How are teachers to determine what is unfair and unjust? Is there a book?
Conscious and unconscious bias? Who defines what constitutes bias and who teaches the difference between conscious and unconscious bias in these 7th and 8th graders?
Injustice in laws? Who gets to determine for the children which laws are unjust? Again, is there a book?
“ SoA1: 11-12a, I can relate to and build connections with other people by showing them empathy, compassion, and understanding by highlighting and honoring differing perspectives, backgrounds, cultures or social groups."
Are all perspectives to be valued? Certainly not. The Nazis had perspectives. So did Castro and Stalin. Who determines which values should be honored? Once again, is there a book?
We could continue this discussion, but you are dangerously off base with some of this.
This is an extended version of my original comment.
The draft SEL standards document offers to present to schoolchildren an overtly partisan view of how society ought to be.
I went through the document and found words like bias used without definition, deep emphasis on groups, group identities, and intersectionality; collective goals vs. individual goals; global citizen, vs. American citizen - you get the idea. The word individual appears in those pages exactly once - as a modifier to the word “groups”.
The word “ethics” does not appear in 23 pages. Neither do “religion”, “religious” or “moral”. The word “family” appears only in the preface.
Two of my favorite standards:
"SoA2: 7-8a, I can recognize and describe unfairness and injustice in many forms including attitudes, speech, behaviors, policies, practices, and laws.
SoA2: 7-8b, I can explain the difference between conscious bias and unconscious (implicit) bias."
Unfair and unjust speech? How are teachers to determine what is unfair and unjust? Is there a book?
Conscious and unconscious bias? Who defines what constitutes bias and who teaches the difference between conscious and unconscious bias to these 7th and 8th graders?
Injustice in laws? Who gets to determine for the children which laws are unjust? Again, is there a book?
“ SoA1: 11-12a, I can relate to and build connections with other people by showing them empathy, compassion, and understanding by highlighting and honoring differing perspectives, backgrounds, cultures or social groups."
Are all perspectives to be valued? Certainly not. The Nazis had perspectives. So did Castro and Stalin. Who determines which values should be honored? Once again, is there a book?
We could continue this discussion, but you are dangerously off base this approach and begging for political trouble. I suspect you will get it.
The comment page indicates that the comments "Opened on 4/12/2021 and close at 11:59pm on 5/12/2021”. It also shows that mine two posted today are the only comments - from a “group” of more than 8 million citizens. That would seem to indicate that I am either the only one or one of the few outside the rarefied air of VDOE that has read it.
I would like to think that VDOE would notice that nobody in the Commonwealth had commented in the first 18 days the document was online and take measures to get more input. I apparently am wrong. You would only do that if you actually wanted it read and commented upon.
These standards do nothing to promote knowledge or education. All they are designed to do is train Marxist worker-bees for the Collective. Stop abusing our children. They are NOT your playthings.
These standards are filled with partisan left wing ideology. Many describing fairness, justice, biases etc. Who is to decide what is fair, just, or what constitutes bias. Obviously the inferred answer is the radical left who are seeking to indoctrinate the children in Virginia.
How can you even begin to think that these so called standards in anyway will be accepted by the citizens of this commonwealth? This is vile and does in no way do anything but create a system that will be the downfall of our children.
It is absolutely not your place to determine my children's "Social (or) Emotional Learning." I am their parent. Your job is to provide an academic education. Sure would be helpful if you would focus on doing that.
I urge leaders in Virginia government and leaders at the VDOE to reject the SEL standards. It is not the province of public schools to provide for the emotional and social needs of children. I can handle that much better as a parent than any school teacher can. Public school leaders and policy makers must focus on academics and creating a safe learning environment. The language of the draft policy is replete with soft Marxist ideas that are contrary to American exceptionalism. Come next election you all need to dust off the resumes. You will be replaced. Failed policies are piling up high and the pubic will no longer tolerate this.
As a parent, I want to teach my children to think for themselves. I do not want them to submit to the will of a group. As a leader, it scares me that we want a hive mentality and strive for such. This is shameful.
Teaching Ks to identify values, cultural differences, and beliefs? Ks are being taught the fundamental reading skills to participate in society at large and function as a collective group as they learn socialization.
1st and 2nd graders cannot develop an awareness of groups in society! They are learning the reading skills required to build comprehension skills. Cultures and traditions again? And fairness doesn't mean you always get the same thing? Who is defining what is 'fair'?
3rd and 4th graders are going to identify multiple groups in society? That are used to create identity? Whose identity? Where is the rubric for 'creating one's own identity'? And 8-9 year olds are being asked to identify barriers based on identity? This is critical race theory and not teaching. Is the word stereotype on the spelling tests? How is an 8-9 year old going to know a stereotype? Are they being taught this? And those same children are going to develop an awareness of their 'membership in multiple groups in society'? Where is the book that outlines this for measuring the metric is achieved?
5th and 6th graders are going to be able to explain how those stereotypes they learned in 4th grade create bias? Where is the rubric to measure these achievements? You introduce the word 'injustice' WHOSE injustice? That is a broad definition with no foundation of a common definition. Curiosity about social problems? Who/what book defines 'social problem'?
7th and 8th graders are going to be asked to describe various identities? These pre-teens have enough challenges with school and making friends. Wouldn't this serve to create isolation for failure to identify only one? These children are online most of the time already picking at each other and now you want the defined difference of conscious and unconscious bias?
9th and 10th graders are acclimating to plans post-high school and trying to fit in. THen you want to introduce intersectionality on top of and mulitiple identities? Won't this further create isolation already experienced in middle school?
11th and 12th graders are working on post-high school planning (college and work). You want introspection on values and beliefes? To whom does this high schooler go for understanding what is acceptable or not? Or whom is judging them on what is acceptable or not? Then you want those same group of students to address their own individual biaas and unconscious bias? Where is the rubric for this self introspective exercise?
My concern is that these are not social and emotional, these are distractions from getting the education students need to compete in a global society, not fix societal ills defined by someone else, with no rubrics for measurements, but left to judgements of others in constant conflict.
WE are educating kids not creating social justice warriors.
It is not your position to push ideology on our children. It is up to the parents to educate on our morals and values.
Stick to education - not social programming.
Please stop with the State-sponsored Racism (CRT) and the requirement for all children to get in lockstep with a Marxist theory that is based on revenge and hate. It is time to stop with the threats, intimidation and mob rule against those that disagree with this perverted view of American culture.
You are not allowed to form my child's conscience that is for his/her family to form. Stick to teaching grammar, math and science.
You are forming either a cult or religion and either way it is not allowed in public classrooms.
You are not in charge of social and emotional learning. You are in charge of making sure the children are educated in reading, writing, math, science and that they learn to think for themselves.
Are all perspectives to be valued in Virginia? It surely does not seem like they are. You are on the road to totalitarianism.
I have seen SEL at work in our VA public schools this year. It is already distracting our children's ability to learn and is harming relationships. With shortened school weeks and distance learning, the last thing students need is even more time taken away from the only purpose that public education exists; the teaching of reading, writing math, accurate history and science. If you will not stick to your core responsibilities, then the public no longer has need of your services and we will find far more effective and efficient ways to educate our children. We also don't need you attempting to undermine the core concept of families and associated morals and values with your twisted and racist ideology. What happened to no religion in schools? SEL/CRT is essentially a secular religion with nothing but ill will toward the general public. Requiring SEL for graduation is absolutely vile and needs to be removed from public school curriculum immediately!!
There needs to be a way for parents to opt-out of all State-sanctioned racism lesson plans (CRT). The state clearly has no plans on providing a balanced education with different viewpoints being represented. This is not a safe environment for anyone who believes in the Constitution, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and other individual rights.
Selling Social-Emotional Learning by Ben Williamson (2017).It is hard to question the idea that education should be more focused on some of the social and emotional aspects of learning than just academic attainment and test scores. However, the SEL movement is not innocent, politically neutral or purely philanthropic.
Education, privacy, and big data algorithms: Taking the persons out of personalized learning by Professor Priscilla M. Regan & Professor Valerie Steeves (2019).
...Indeed, there appears to be an interesting side-step in the way that foundations discuss evidence — rather than relying on evidence for their innovations, they discuss the importance of gathering evidence for their innovations. Gates, for example, talks about ‘advancing research and development in support of new innovations,’ ‘invest[ing] in building the evidence for social and emotional learning,’ and ‘expand[ing] the evidence base and validat[ing] exemplars of interventions.’ Hewlett is interested in learning ‘what it takes to turn schools into places that empower and equip students’ and in ‘studying these efforts to share what is learned.’ In this side-step, the foundations reveal that not only are students learning — but foundations are learning as well, and students in this scenario are not only learners but research subjects beta-testing foundation-supported innovations. The recent CZ/Gates Initiative underscores this in the following: ‘The goal is to gain a better understanding of breakthrough work happening in these fields so that we, and many others across the field, can figure out how best to direct energies and resources to accelerate progress for students.’ ... Perhaps most interesting in our review of foundations’ Web sites was the almost universal absence of any mention of privacy or the implications of collecting all this data on students’ learning and personal characteristics that would be a necessary component to implement personalized learning, as well as an outcome of that implementation. The only foundation to mention privacy is Dell, which states at the end of its overview: ‘While we believe data is a powerful tool in the classroom, we also believe it should be used in a safe and secure manner. Therefore, we work with leading organizations to improve data privacy policies and practices of education technology vendors, districts, and educators.’ The other foundation overviews mention neither privacy nor security — in effect, erasing this as a concern or implication of the vast amount of data that the kind of innovations they discuss would entail. The absence of this topic from their overviews is startling given the attention companies like Google and Facebook have been forced to pay to both privacy and security. It cannot plausibly be argued that they are unaware of privacy and security in the context of personalized learning, although it can be argued that they would prefer not to have attention drawn to these concerns. Added emphasis.
This SEL curriculum is a terrible attempt to force children from k onwards to think of enrolls as belonging to groups and make them devoid off individual character. Why does everyone need to be identified by groups? Why are you pushing Marxist tribal division on everone? Why do you keep talking about equity everywhere without clearly defining it? You are encouraging stereotyping without even realizing it. And you are pushing pseudo science luke implicit bias, yes, look it up - the implicit bias models don't work. The tests are flawed. They are not repeatable and give different results for the same participants. Yet you want to embed this deep in the minds of impressionable children. Public schools should focus on essential education - language and sciences and keep away from any pretension towards moral education. Your morality, if it comes from a secular evolutionary materialistic worldview cannot be grounded and is not objective. So please stop this nonsense. What you have made clear is that school choice needs to become a reality in Virginia lest you all turn public schools into indoctrination factories!
This document is very similar to many produced by Communist party of the Soviet Union. As an immigrant and a mother, I am really scared: Is communism coming to America?
I object this course in any American schools.
What teaching materials will guide these standards? Or will teachers just get to pull partisan lessons formulated by The NY Times to spread propaganda? Maybe it will be acceptable to gather information from writers like Alison Bailey who wrote a paper in 2017, rejecting validity, reliability, productivity, and soundness.
If teachers are permitted to teach students that if they feel like something is true then it is, and that anything that offends should be rejected, this will lead to none other than miserable failure. Children are the future of our nation. They don't deserve to have their potential squandered because of political cowards who don't have the courage to stand up for what is right.
Critical Race Theory and similar programs with different names do not belong in a public school setting. No child should be made to feel "less than" regardless of skin color. Privilege is viewed differently by different people and cannot be deemed as such by teaching staff. If social justice is the desired outcome, how about teaching children to treat everyone kindly, no matter their station in life, skin color, ethnicity, or income level without separating into "oppressors and oppressed". Much of that is subjective thinking. Better yet, leave this teaching to parents. School is not the place to push far left ideology on impressionable minds.
“It happened, therefore it can happen again…it can happen anywhere. “ Primo Levi in reference to the Holocaust. Forcing group think and separating people into groups only leads to division , hate and lack of creativity. This is Opposite of what our children should be inspiring to become. You should be ashamed of pushing this ;pure evil.
I'm a longtime volunteer for the left, and have donated significant amounts of $ to people like Sanders, AOC, Amy Vilela, etc. Suddenly though, it's no longer about giving regular people a fair's about demonizing WHITE people. Well let me tell you something: my grandparents picked cotton instead of attending grade school. My family never took a SINGLE vacation...they just worked. I didn't do parties in high school...I I could get out of poverty. And after a grueling college experience at UCLA, living in my car & never attending a single social event b/c I was WIPED OUT from working my job....guess what?? it worked!! I'm now in the top 2% of this country financially - not because I'm white!! My husband also came from abject poverty, as a first generation Mexican working his way from janitor to owning a multi million dollar company. We were able to do it because this is a great country - and it had absolutely nothing to do with either of our skin tones. The Democratic Party SICKENS ME...what you've become. You're doing a disservice to young poor black kids as well...teaching them that the world secretly hates them and that if they fail it's b/c of racism. If you fail in life, GET BACK UP & try again. Lowering test standards & handing out checks never raised anyone out of poverty. Rich black kids already know this - it's the poor ones whose minds you're poisoning. You sicken me.
2016 forecast -
With states’ building longitudinal student databases that track children from cradle to career, it’s inevitable that data collected from observing and analyzing children’s emotional states will be preserved . . . forever. And because USED has guttedfederal student-privacy law to allow sharing of personally identifiable information on students with almost anyone the government wants, that data is likely to be widely disclosed – without parental consent. If a child’s school dossier says he doesn’t meet an SEL standard for, say, anger-management, could that come back to haunt him? Maybe when he applies to college, or for a job, or enlists in the military, or . . . goes on trial for a crime?
Brings together social-emotional learning (SEL), multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), response to intervention (RTI), school climate, and student voice—all in one platform. Panorama pulls together all of your student/district data into one spot and gives you visual dashboard reports.
In a “new chapter” for Panorama, he says, the company is “making a leap from helping you understand one sliver of a child on the social-emotional side, to understanding the whole, complete picture.”
2021 reality -
Must the child's parent consent before physiological questioning happens? Must the parent be able to view all the raw data collected and his daughter's or son's "dashboard" ... and view it promptly? Must a parent be entitled to have the data deleted by the school district ... and quickly? How does a parent say NO you cannot survey my child?
Just when we thought the subversive crypto-Marxist SJW indoctrination could not get any worse, you pop up and surprise us. VDOE has no business developing social engineering programs intended to cripple our children's free speech and right to think for themselves, and even less right to tie it to academic outcomes. SEL competencies have some few grains of wheat amongst the pile of chaff, but the Social Awareness category in particular is loaded with toxic rhetoric from the CRT lexicon and belies the entire program. Incredibly, the panel is recommending nothing less than state control of how our children think, what they can say, and how they must act (if they are to be good little leftist SJWs). It is not hard for a thinking person to see that much of what is in the program could easily be construed as violations of students civil rights, and I can already hear the lawyers lining up in the wings. The only part of CASEL you have a say in is A for Academics. While teachers may consult with parents on Social and Emotional issues, these areas are the domains of parents, families, and religious establishments of the children's private world. The State does not have the authority to usurp the prerogatives of parents, at least not in non-totalitarian countries. And I do not believe the US is there...yet.
We have seen children shamed and shunned for not parroting the corrosive dogma being spooned out to them in Virginia's classrooms, and we will not stand by as VDOE tries to implement yet another racist CRT based initiative. Mark my words, when the shaming and ostracizing begin, when children are mentally abused for not swallowing the poison and regurgitating the lies, the law suits will not be far behind.
Who asked for this program? How many parents from across the Commonwealth were canvased for their views? Do the participants who contributed to this plan represent an honest cross section of the state's population, or do they only reflect the views of numerically less significant special interest groups? How many of the participants are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents? How many are black, white, Asian, or from ethnic communities? Are there any contractors or consultants who stand to profit monetarily by these proposed requirements? Anyone retiring soon who might try to profit in the near future? Who? Does this development gestalt truly reflect Virginia equally, or is it a body that seeks to gain advantage for their partisan agenda? That last is honestly rhetorical, the aim of the document is obvious enough.
I cannot believe that the people who drafted such an invidious, divisive proposal truly reflect Virginia as a whole, or even a majority of our citizens. And the fact that so many public servants in positions of trust could craft a plan to ideologically indoctrinate young people and compel them to undo decades of progress made by the civil rights movement in the United States and replace it with a new form of racism and segregation (CRT doctrine) demonstrates the rot at the core of our public school system. VDOE has already lost credibility by burying this document where it is almost impossible to find by casual perusal of their site. This is because they do not want to hear from the public, they want to do their work in the shadows where no one can see them. But we know what is going on now, and this proposal will be brought to the attention of the national media. I suspect that airing it out under the harsh light of day for honest and open scrutiny should prove to be an interesting exercise.
Unlawful and against US Constitution. America Education System does not belong to Democrats. We are Americans - the land of the FREE, principals of freedom, opportunity, prosperity and Corrupt Congress, State and Local Leaders can NOT infuse propaganda to OUR children. We are one-We do not divide. Stop inciting division around the globe.
NO FEDERAL or STATE FUNDING authorized for use other than 1776 American Education
WE the FREE People are watching and will support criminal charges to all those who infuse corrupt policy
#save our children
This is no longer education this is propaganda aimed at destroying our children and uniqueness. This is big government far over reaching!!! No no no!!!
As a previous teacher in the Virginia school system, I am aggrevied this would even be considered. Without definable truth ornmorality we will be turning our Children and Grandchildren into “ worker bees” controlled by the oligarchs of the nation state.
When read in full, the SEL draft standards show some promise, but are also disturbing.
Forced group identification should be of grave concern to anyone truly interested in a diverse society. As early as first grade, the draft standards require a child to identify groups in society and soon after, their place in these groups. Who defines these groups? (the US census? visible differences? does the child self-identify?) What makes a group? There's no mention of race, religion, national origin, spoken language, physical abilities . . . what is unmentioned in the standards is more troubling that what is written.
I note the paucity of front-line educators on the implementation and advisory panels.
I respectfully request that the standards get a serious culling. As a start, eliminate the group-based standards in all age bands (that's 18/20 of the appearance of the word "group") and the bias-based standards in all age bands (that's 7/8 appearances of the word "bias").
Redirect the time and energy contemplated to implement these high-effort, low-benefit standards to real work to close the achievement gap. Let's have real differentiated instruction in the classrooms. Let's bring real measurement and data to the problem at hand. Let's teach practical skills to prepare a workforce. We need thinkers and doers, not children who have been taught what group they belong to.
When we group schoolchildren, it should be by their instructional requirements, academic interests, and career goals, not to further identity politics.
We know how to stop racism. We were headed that way not long ago. Just treat all people like GIFTS FROM GOD!
In reading the proposal it sounds like indoctrination would be good work to describe the content. One assume if these are objectives, there must be way to test/measure the acceptance by the subjects (students). This does not seem to be addressed in the document.
The document is broad enough one could inculcate almost anything into the curriculum. Depending on the "slant" of the instructor it could be used to promote any type of zealotry.
If i wish my children to go to a "religious camp", it would not be the Virginia Public Schools.
Stay out of our kids brains with your CHAINS. Stop enslaving our kids like you did with african americans with your Marxist secular BS.
Can’t stay open for a full year of a pandemic, can’t adequately educate the children, and now you want authority to train them morally. Talk about failure. Only still exist because you’re a monopoly.
This is highly subjective in nature and does not contribute to the academic advancement of our children. This curriculum does not belong in public schools and should not be required learning mandated by the state. State curriculum guidelines are used to establish a consistent standard of learning across Virginia. This subject matter is teaching our children that standards cannot be applied unilaterally due to inherent cultural and economic differences. All children should be taught that the possibilities in this country are endless through hard work and perseverance. All people experience hardships in different capacities and times during life. The message should be how to cope with adversity and challenge oneself. Instilling a sense of oppression does not build the confidence our children need to become strong and independent.
Education should be about how to think, not what to think. Stop with the virtue signaling and destroying children’s minds.
Parents are the sole educator of their children, not the govt. Stop the indoctrination!
This new focus on “equity” and the social-emotional learning proposal is completely inappropriate and out of line. The role of public education is to provide children with factual knowledge, and allow them the opportunity to examine and interpret those facts, in order to form their own unique and individual opinions and beliefs. Schools are supposed to encourage a broad and open learning environment, rich in facts and information, and devoid of personal opinions. A student should not know their teacher’s political leanings, beliefs, or stance regarding current social issues. If they do, you are no longer educating, you are influencing and indoctrinating. Mandating our publicly funded education facilities indoctrinate the children you’re entrusted with educating is morally reprehensible. Which is a bit ironic given that this new curriculum is supposed to shape morals and values. It goes against everything the institution of educating is supposed to stand for. Enough is enough! Your job is not to raise or parent our children. Your job is to educate them. Moral beliefs and personal values have no part in that.
While greater emphasis on areas such as emotional intelligence would be a welcome addition to a public school education, this action will undoubtedly serve as a means to indoctrinate children into a particular worldview. Given recent precedent established by other, largely, equity-based initiatives, Virginia has not earned the trust of its citizens to implement such a broad scale effort fairly. In particular, despite the multiple references to diverse perspectives, Virginians have no reason to believe that truly diverse perspectives reflecting diversity of thought will be welcome. On the contrary, as underscored by the lack of definition of what would be considered diverse, it is reasonable to assume that what this actually refers to is the same set of "acceptable" opinions held by people who's diversity is completely tied to immutable characteristics.
I've noted that there is not a single reference to objectivity or any other reasonable standard through which a person may evaluate and outcome. Further, it seems that "facts" are not worthy of consideration until high school, well after the students have been effectively brainwashed to ignore those facts that conflict with the prescribed worldview. Exacerbating the issue, the standards state outright that it goal is for student's to "evaluate outcomes based on one's own identity." To teach a subjective evaluation of outcomes based on people with the same identity are supposed to view the world is outright irresponsible and confirms the belief that this is about indoctrinating children into what they are supposed to think.
This entire initiative should be rejected until it can be demonstrated to be implementable without bias.
This is a large over reach and disturbing that a goverment would attempt to indoctrinate the children of the commonwealth with this idea that they will tell our children how they must think. This is highly inaproppriate and dangerous. The purpose of public education is to better the future citizens with knowledge and skills so they may become intelegent free-thinkers to help better our communities. This radical proposal is a disgrace to a free society. The civil servants that drafted and support this should be ashamed. If this moves forward I and many other parents will be pulling our tax dollars from the public school system and possibly the commonwealth as a whole.
K-12 education needs to remain about literacy, mathematics, science and unrevised history and refrain from social experimentation and indoctrination. We should be educating our children to be critical thinkers and has rudimentary skills necessary to succeed in life and the workforce.
This reminds me of garbage wrapped up in pretty paper with a matching bow. Reading over it there are some good ideas, but then you just had to throw in conscious/unconscious bias and more mind numbing Marxist dribble tainting the whole effort. Keep the divisiveness out of the schools. It’s time to bring people together, stop the division.
This is just Racism in a new package. The Virginia school system is attempting to create an easily controlled proletariat that cannot think for itself, and blindly accepts its marching orders. This kind of education will disproportionately keep poor and disadvantaged students disadvantaged and make them hateful. Shame on you!
If you are wondering why I am not leaving my email address, I don’t want to end up on a black list like the progressive teachers in London County created to persecute conservative parents and their children.
School is there to teach subjects not ideologies. Your job is to give facts and the child learns to draw their own conclusions. School is not to there to teach children what to think. When you retell kids they are awful because they are a certain color that is racist.
The school system should focus on academic content and leave the social-emotional learning to the parents. These are not children of the state and the government should remove themselves from the parental role. Time to make a hard push for School choice.
It sounds like Virginia cannot figure out a real plan to get low achievers to achieve at higher levels so Virginia has decided to not focus on actual academics. Virginia is going to focus on "social and emotional learning" and have children regurgitate propaganda and if they are good little parrots they will get an A for achievement and get a diploma. However, they will fail to be productive citizens which will result in the citizen being dependant on the government for everything. Marxism in action. Just say no!
It’s laughable that the PS system think they are responsible for character development of these kids. News flash, not your kids. The system fails. Stick to academics and stop with politics in school. Your beliefs do not need to be shared by everyone. And they aren’t shared by most.
It is not the job of the Department of Education to require this subject for graduation. You are infringing on the rights and roles of parents. As a future parent of school-age children, this proposed requirement concerns me deeply and may affect whether or not my child is enrolled in public education.
I have been watching CRT closely for a year and I am disgusted by the changes proposed. I adamantly oppose and would ask the VA DOE to get their head out of the neomarxism sand and do better for our children. Go back to the basics and educate them so that they can think critically and decide for themselves when they are adults. I am so tired of public school overreaching. School choice can’t come soon enough!