Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Absentee Voting [1 VAC 20 ‑ 70]
Action Substantial Compliance for Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 6/21/2013


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6/18/13  12:20 pm
Commenter: Diana Dutton, Prince William County

Material Omissions from Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots

I submitted these comments last night; why are they not here?

B.  If the applicant is not registered, the FWAB may not be accepted as timely for registration unless the applicant has met the applicable registration deadline.  However,  Section 24.2-419 of the Code of  Virginia extends the mail registration deadline to Election Day for a member of a uniformed service on active duty who is normally absent from the county or city of his residence and the spouse or dependent living with that person, so long as they are eligible to be registered.

In the list of material omissions, add

the voter's printed name  (24.2-702.1 B ii)

the voter's residence address at which he is registered to vote  (24.2-702.1 B iv)

C4 is not specific enough; it does not list the requirements in 24.2-702.1 B

CommentID: 28561

6/19/13  1:52 pm
Commenter: W.T. Latham

Amending 1 VAC 20-70-30

The last sentence of paragraph (B) should be deleted, as it does not comply with Va. Code 24.2-702.1(B).

CommentID: 28592

6/21/13  11:41 am
Commenter: C. Scannell

1 VAC 20-70-30 Material Omissions for Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots

Agree last sentence of paragraph (B) should be deleted. It does not comply with 24.2-702.1 (B).

CommentID: 28603

6/21/13  3:00 pm
Commenter: Bill Norton, Fairfax County Office of Elections

Substantial Compliance for Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots

The Fairfax County Electoral Board and the Fairfax County Office  of Elections strongly support the proposed regulatory changes which would establish a "substantial compliance" standard in regard to the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot.  These changes will help to ensure that no voter is inadvertently disenfranchised.



CommentID: 28606