Nature of petitioner's request: The Southern Appalachia Mountain Stewards and the Sierra Club have petitioned the State Air Pollution Control Board to amend the fugitive dust emissions standards for existing and new and modified stationary sources.
DMME Comments:
1.) The petition was submitted to address fugitive dust concerns the petitioners attribute to coal haulage activities in the Roda community, near
2.) DMME and DEQ entered into a Memorandum of Agreement on December 9, 2009, to coordinate their efforts to facilitate efficient and effective administration of applicable State and Federal environmental laws, regulations, and policies for fugitive dust control on and immediately adjacent to active coal mining sites.
3.) The proposed amendments to Sections 9 VAC 5-40-90 and 9 VAC 5-50-90 are duplicative of the regulatory requirements that already exist under the Virginia Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations and the recommendations of DMME Guidance Memorandum No. 29-09. DMME requires each permit applicant to address how it will comply with the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts[1] in the detailed permit application. The DMME may require additional corrective measures if a site situation requires such to protect the environment and the health and safety of the public. The proposed amendments would impose, contrary to the petitioners claim, a substantial and significant financial burden upon the Commonwealth to conduct duplicative enforcement activities.
4.) While the proposed amendments were crafted to specifically address fugitive dust concerns attributed to coal mining activities, they will in fact be applicable to any activity that may result in fugitive dust concerns across the Commonwealth – logging, gas/oil well/pipeline operations, quarry operations, other mining activities, road construction, development projects, farming operations, etc. The DMME also requires mineral mining and gas and oil permittees to meet statutory and regulatory requirements for environmental protection, including fugitive dust. The proposed requirements would duplicate these similar to duplicating requirements on coal mines.
5.) The standards that may be applied should reflect the actual site conditions and proximity of the public who may be affected. This is effectively achieved through establishment of site-specific conditions under DMME permits.
[1] 4VAC25-130-780.18(b)(9 and 10) & 4VAC25-130-784.13(b)(9 and 10). Reclamation plan; general requirements.