Action | Periodic Review of the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 5/12/2021 |
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Education should teach Marxism as part of civics, not as an ideology bent on destroying America.
Education should teach children their rights under the Constitution not violate those rights to where they don’t even know what they lost.
Education should teach children personal responsibility and accountability, not globalism.
Education should not be making victims out of children but celebrating accomplishments.
Education should be teaching self reliance and self sufficiency, not everyone owes me due to an unconscious thoughts while other children are demonized for those same unconscious thoughts. How can one prove an unconscious thought and when it’s in fact unconscious, then it’s unknown to both the thinker and the society as a whole?
Education needs to stick to academics, as have been taught since the beginning of schools, not someone’s random, left to personal interpretation, personal take. I don’t remember any ancient literature discussing emotions. I’m sure the Library of Alexandria didn’t contain scrolls on feelings. I read a lot of ancient literature, have been for 25 years and have yet to encounter even one text containing this uselessness VA wants to impose.
Schools function as a place where students learn, from their peers, how to work with those who they don’t agree with, have different views and different personalities, not ram down the throats of children that these differences are wrong.
it is not the schools responsibility to make everything woke.
it is not the schools responsibility to teach concepts that go against our founding beliefs but to teach what makes this country so great that even people who hate it won’t leave and we have one of the highest immigration rates worldwide.
Congratulations, VA is setting our children’s education bar low and still managing to fly right underneath it. What an amazing accomplishment from so call educators.