I do not want Critical Race Theory to be taught as truth to my children, particularly in public school. I have read extensively about it and I find it to be anti-liberal and a recipe for divisiveness. In liberal thought, we believe in equality - equal treatment of all persons regardless of their different histories or current situation. Critical race Theory, however, embraces identity politics and an assumption that racism is normal and permanent, and the problem is primarily that people—particularly white people—are failing to see, acknowledge, and address it. CRT doesn’t promote equal treatment for all, but rather that the power group - white people - need to recognize that they are inherently racist (and only they, because as the group in power they are the only ones who can be racist) and minorities need to look for and point out any interactions that they perceive as being racists towards them - and the power group has to make amends for this. CRT does not make room for liberal thought or debate. Why do we want to train our young people to read insult, hostility, and prejudice into every interaction?? By doing so we will train them to increasingly see the world as hostile to them and they will fail to thrive in it - why do we want that for our children??
This country fought a civil war to end the stain of slavery. Civil rights laws were enacted in the 1960's to codify the rights of all people to equal opportunity. Is there work to still be done? Yes, but you cannot end discrimination by teaching discrimination, and CRT does just that.
I do agree with teaching and practicing liberalism and inclusiveness - respectfulness, kindness, acceptance basic humanity, and actively listening to and sharing diverse thoughts, opinions and experiences. I also believe it’s the parents responsibility to teach values to their children, and the schools‘ responsibility to teach unbiased academics - teach the children to question, research, think and communicate on their own without slanting their views.