Action | Periodic Review of the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 5/12/2021 |
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You wonder why many of our children can't read and are falling behind most countries in our testing scores. Our schools have become so focused on everything else except the academics. This is just diving them deeper into that pit of uneducated ignorance and group think. It walks our children further away from having the time to learn reading, math, and science from their teachers. It takes away a parent's ability to raise up their child with their own moral principles and thinking when it comes to these topics. The school system was designed to teach core subjects. The fact that we have gotten so far away from this with all the numbers of tests required throughout the year to measure, measure, measure, leaves teachers little time to teach - and the results of that are clear. With the implementation of Common Core and No Child Left Behind - every child has ended up behind in my opinion - but back to the issue at hand - Stop this madness. Public Schools have no place deciding what my children should believe about these extremely controversial topics. The government does not have a right to my child's thinking in this regard.