Action | Periodic Review of the Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 5/12/2021 |
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To whom it may concern, it is disturbing to me, as the parent of 4 children in the Virginia Public Education System, and as a member of the military community, that the educations of our children are being threatened by Marxist ideological and completely partisan policies which diminish educational achievements of all children, in the name of social justice and equity. By shifting the focus of our education system away from meritorious achievement our children will be robed of the confidence and character that comes from being academically challenged. Just as weight lifters must build their muscle strength through hard work and focus, our children must build their knowledge, intelligence, and future career success through much academic heavy lifting. Replace the academic focus of their curriculum, which in my experience with school districts in many different parts of the country I can proudly state my opinion that we have some of the best here in Hampton Roads, replace the academic focus with social justice, critical race theory, and subjective, emotionally based mandatory programs and we will be robing our children of successful, intelligent futures. Instead of having future leaders, engineers, scientists, doctors, innovators, and explorers, we will have only followers, dependent upon the benevolence of government, dictated to by social passions, and dependent upon the morality of the immoral. This move will ultimately deprive our children of the very freedom to learn, imagine, and create that we, their parents have benefited from. It will destroy any equity instead of creating greater equity. There is injustice and disparity in the access of our people to educational resources. Taking those resources away from all students to fix this problem is a terrible and backward attempt at a solution. Be wise.