Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/18/20  10:04 am
Commenter: Sherry

We The People

Mandating masks cause severe health risks. By reducing oxygen, blood thickens, causing clots, which leads to heart attack or stroke, if muscles do not receive enough oxygen they begin to atrophy, consider also the brain and heart are muscles. By enhaling carbon dioxide- we are poisoning our blood- which can lead to death after enduring symptoms of tachycardia, nausea, headache, dizziness, confusion, to name a few. Meanwhile, we are inhaling bacteria and the virus from the mask, which will lead to bacterial infections in the lungs or covid-19 also frequent touching of the mask to keep it positioned correctly or scratching of the face because the sweat beneath the mask, now spreading more germs surface to surface. Or the pollen which sits on the mask is now near the face for those of us with allergies or asthma. Not to mention right on the boxes of these masks states it will not prevent any virus or prevent the spread of any virus. Consider, these health risks before mandating something so incredibly pointless and dangerous. These masks are only being worn to hide the faces of terrorism- Please take that into consideration. Be part of a greater solution and not the problem- do not mandate masks! Thank you. 


CommentID: 80411