Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
Whenever I write DMAS concerning problems with the EVV app. , I get the same response referencing the 2016 Cures Act. Some of what is stated is not even valid after CMS clarifications. This is not just clocking in and clocking out. It is very difficult and confusing to do. Why does DMAS spread false information? How come the state didn't sue the federal government over this very massive human rights violation? BTW there is no freaking way DMAS needs a dime to exempt live in providers. Live ins are identified and there is already a pay portal available to deal with time entries that works correctly. There is also absolutely no reason people without wifi or other technology access should have had paper timesheets taken away. Did you know according to the PEW report 46% of the elderly do not use smart phones or have computers in their house? isn't that discrimination?