Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
First of all the switch from PPL to CDCN was insane not to mention cdcn sucks their portal doesn’t work half the time also their site doesn’t offer features to allow the eor to manage things properly and you can never reach anyone by phone or email it’s very frustrating as for the evv with celltrak well that’s a mess bc the app doesn’t work properly and sometimes not at all for days and guess what no one knows anything about how to fix it I hope we’re not expected to always be at our home address and oops sorry if attendant was busy and couldn’t clock out at exact time what do you guys really expect here’s some advice get ride of CDCN go back to PPL if the app works use it if not use the portal stop making families jump through hoops to keep and maintain services when we already have enough on our