Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
EVV is a financial burden. Isolated consumers as well. If u file exception it is a house phone caregiver got go to the house first click in. I
meet my consumer a lot in the community a house phone is the only exception we have ask what about website being made ada compliant was told it is designed by the state every one uses the same system that is not except able Under ada they talk free phone well that phone got limited data so you got choose how many attandents how often they use app before u run out data before put in place this all needs more thought put into it. Perhaps help pay for equipment services to run this without it becoming a financial burden on consumers who are loose income are attandents that are low income cause waiver pay keeps us there my hopes are it does not continue to isolate people are be a financial burden to any one. I been told it never was meant to do that. In closing I have seen a drop in attandents in last year every one is calling this a crisis. Poor pay poor benefits and now this fananvial burden on top it.