First, there are several typos, so I hope this document has not received final copy editing. These include:
Page 6, extra space after open paren, and after slash in fourth bullet item; "Community based" should be hyphenated
Page 40, J, third line: "martial" instead of marital
Page 41, N, "subrecipiebnt"
Second: throughout, the document refers to "Substance Abuse" (or "SA"), or "drug-addicted individuals--disfavored, judgmental, and morally-weighted terms, rather than "Substance Use Disorder" which is the official, and morally-neutral term (see Page 6, Page 8, Page 18, Page 31, and Page 33, items 230 (2x) and 235 (2x)). However, the correct term is used on page 4.
Third: Page 4: there's a repetition in the first sentence
Fourth: in the family preservation and support sections on Pages 6-7, there is no mention of referrals to DSS services such as Section 8, Medicaid, TANF, or SNAP.
Fifth: There is no section on providing support, services, or referrals to kinship families, whether informal or diverted after CPS response.
Sixth: page 8, sections & each mention "peer support" or "mentoring" but do not offer examples such as foster/birth parent co-parenting support.
Finally: In the "Family Reunification Services," sections beginning on page 7, guidance is not offered regarding the change in the 15-month limitation for children in foster care to receive reunification services (referenced on page 4) other than the change in definition to include a child returned home. Nor is the need to provide services that comply with the FFPSA's requirement to use those that are evidence-based and trauma-informed, or listed in the Clearing House.