I do not support section B of 18VAC150-20-172 Delegation of Duties statement saying " The monitoring of a sedated or anesthetized patient may be delegated to an assistant, provided the patient is no longer intubated and provided a veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician remains on premisis until the patient is fully recovered". Assistants do not have the knowledge they need to monitor a patient waking up from anesthesia. I went to school and got my degree and license. I learned all I could learn in Tech school to be able to care for our patients while under anesthesia and recovering from anesthesia. Too much can go wrong in recovery and we can't put an unlicensed, uneducated assistant in that situation if something goes wrong. If assistants want to do more then please go to school and get the education that is needed to properly care for these patients. They deserve the best care we can give them!