Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Dentistry
Regulations Governing Dental Practice [18 VAC 60 ‑ 20]
Action Registration and practice of dental assistants
Comment Period Ended on 11/12/2008
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11/8/08  5:00 pm
Commenter: Patricia Pine Unique Dental Services

Dental Assistants

Dental Assistants are of great value to the dental community.  Many are not trained nor certified in their career.  I was an untrained/uneducated DA for many years.  I then decided to attend dental hygiene school.  I was absolutley shocked to learn about dangers in dentistry I had NO knowledge about, mercury, radiation, OSHA, bloodborne pathogens,infection control and sterilization of instruments.  All of these topics and many more are needed to provide a quality of care to keep patients and clinicians safe,  any patient of any age group.  We need higher education to protect our patients from infectious diseases. Any dental assistant will tell you they have NO idea about the infectious diseases that are present and can be cross contaminated to patients.  Hepatitis B has recently been transmitted in an Oral surgeons in New Mexico 2007 office because of lack of cleaning environment surfaces.

Dental Hygienists have 2 full years of intense dental head and neck, health history knowledge with all the prescription and non prescriptions  drugs patients are taking, infectious disease with  bacteria aerosols, TB (public health threat) and much much more.  Why would any state accept anything but the best for their citizens of their state, why?  The best would be trained, licensed, educated dental hygienists that put their life and families on hold to study, learn, challenge themselves for a carreer that will assist in keeping "Smiles in America Beautiful!  Why would the State of Virginia accept below standard of care for their community.

Law suits are increasing due to the lack of care, knowledge throughout the US.  Why would we introduce uneducated dental assistants to do a job that requires higher education?  After attending an accredited dental hygiene school I have learned to value my education along with my talents and knowledge.

I wanted to continue to assist in the dental field I went on to school.  Maybe some day, through changes in state laws I can be a dentist without continuing my education.

Now that would be great!  I can be compensated dentist salary and not go to school- isn't that something to think about.  How many of you would like someone to drill on your teeth with little or no education.

I believe our legislatures need to put the public first.  Question why would we change a law that would protect it's citizens from harm.

Dentistry is a greata field.  Many patients are fearful as it is.  Why would be put them in the hands of someone without the skill, education to know what they are really doing.  Cleaning teeth is NOT just cleaning teeth.  It is so much more.

Please vote NO on this bill.  I would like to preserve dentistry with career minded citizens that will protect their patients with their knowledge and eduction.

Thank you,

Patricia Pine RDH for 26 years, DA for 7 years.


CommentID: 3107