Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Directors
Retail Operations [3 VAC 5 ‑ 50]
Action Clarifying and Simplifying Retailer Regulations
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 10/17/2008
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10/2/08  1:52 pm
Commenter: Michael Hutcheson

ABC propposals are vague, outdated, and downright unneccesary.

According to the new ABC proposals, individual ABC agents will be able to determine what is a violation and assess action based on personal beliefs, in which the agents themselves cant agree on what is "offensive" and what is art. Throughout history this debate has continued, with the only outcome being that no one person can determine what society as a whole should believe. If you dont like a T.V. show turn it off, if you dont like a particular nightclub dont go in, but DONT EVER TRY TO TELL ME THAT I HAVE TO SHARE YOUR BELIEFS. In my humble opinion sexuality is healthy, and the human form is a beautiful piece of  Godly art, that should be allowed to be presented in closed forums, safe from view of minors, and those who would be offended. It is also a very telling piece of the proposal that allows certain venues freedom from these draconian restrictions, providing they are "artistic" in nature, i.e. theatres, museums,etc. (undoubtedly so ABC can generate income for the state) , again, who is the czar who decides what is art, and what is offensive? It is time for  Virginia, and ABC to enter the 21st century and leave these prudish restrictions where they belong, far, far, behind us. I strongly oppose these new ABC proposals and know the people of Va. will be better off without them.

CommentID: 2765