Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Directors
Retail Operations [3 VAC 5 ‑ 50]
Action Clarifying and Simplifying Retailer Regulations
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 10/17/2008
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9/30/08  9:22 pm
Commenter: Zack Smith-Professional musician-entertainer

I object.....

As a musician in one of the area's longest running local bands, ive seen my share of what i even would concider tasteless or crude but situations like that are properly handled by bar staff and security. I object to this because you're taking away freedoms that we have had for many years just to compensate for the senitivitys of a few who dont frequent the establishments in which our band plays or most NORMAL people hangout, the establishments whom pay us alot of money to be there. You dont like seeing a husband touch his wife in an affectionate way you'd find innappropriate, you're offended by a woman in a reveiling shirt or skirt....dont come in....go somewhere else and the fact a woman cannot go into a 711 right off the beach to get her or maybe her kids a slurpee on a hot summer day is absolutely ludacris and completely insensitive in it's own right. In conclusion, this goes through, your tourist trade will decline because who wants to rome a beach community like Virginia Beach (which is Nationally famous now thanks to artists such as The Neptunes, Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliot, etc. whom have alot of the things you deem offensive in their videos) and not be able to go into a beach bar, club, outdoor event, 711, and so on without having to be sure they put on a t-shirt first. This is totally unnecessary and youre gonna cause not only yourselves but alot of business's to lose out on alot of money....kinda gives me yet another reason to wanna move. Do the right thing...drop this law.

CommentID: 2730