Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Counseling
Regulations Governing the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy [18 VAC 115 ‑ 50]
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8/8/12  9:17 pm
Commenter: Michael A. Fronce, MS, Resident in MFT

Support Positive Change

I am writing this comment in support of the rule change petition presented before the Board of Counseling (BofC).  My perspective is as a current resident in Marriage and Family Therapy and as one who has been directly affected by the changes in procedures that took place in 2010.  I began residency in the fall of 2009, excited to grow as a professional under the watchful eye of qualified supervisors. Due to changes in employment, I submitted changes to my supervisors as I changed jobs in the fall of 2010.  I submitted my changes and the reviewer requested additional information about my job.  I submitted their request.  I was again asked for additional information on my job.  After 6 months, I finally had my supervisors approved.  As my job and my supervisors did not change during this process, I requested to have all of my work approved.  My request was denied based on the BofC’s assertion that no experience counted prior to approval.  My frustration with the BofC grew as I learned that my professional career was put on hold even though I was doing the same job and receiving the same supervision.  I began to question whether or not I wanted to continue the process in Virginia, move to a different state, or even quit all together due to the delay in my process of fulfilling requirements for licensure.  Whenever I asked for updates in the process I was denied communication.  ?While 6 months may not seem that long in the grand scheme of things, my perspective is a bit different.  I am a husband who is earning below my potential due to the lapse in turn around and response time.  I am a new father who is spending hours away from my new little boy due to the hours and work schedule that is part of the “dues” that are paid in accruing hours for licensure.  I have spent thousands of dollars in getting supervision from fantastic supervisors who challenge me professionally and encourage me to be the best clinician I can be.   However, my professional career was halted for 6 months.  Had I been granted the approval of the hours that I had earned in those lost 6 months, I would be a licensed professional right now, providing much needed mental health support to citizens of the commonwealth. But now, I continue to work toward licensure in accruing the hours that logically would have been granted had the system been in place that this petition is requesting.  I know that I am not alone in my frustration with the BofC.  Other residents have been experiencing delays as well.  I know that the BofC has made efforts to respond to complaints and frustrations. My hope is that this petition will be considered and that rule changes will be made. ?Not only do I support this petition, but I also encourage the BofC to be more open to suggestions from those who are being affected by the rules and procedures. Suggested improvements include but are not limited to:  **Focus groups of residents to assess the application/resident process. **Technological improvements that could include web-based system to show where applications/changes are at in process (relief to BofC staff from being pestered for information). **Explanation on website of use out-of-state or outsourced reviewers (relief of BofC staff to answer questions). **Electronic database of approved supervisors and their credentials (speed up the process of approval). **Electronic database of work establishments that have been approved (speed up the process of approval). **Email blasts using blind carbon copy to ensure confidentiality, to alert residents of changes in rules/policies. **Communication between residents and reviewers to speed process of approval/compliance?Perhaps there are other ideas that could be helpful in finding solutions.  That is what therapists do, help people find solutions so that they can live their lives with more confidence, happiness, and manageability.  Perhaps we could all work more effectively in having a system that promotes high standards, clear communication and expectations, and speedy service delivery.  I submit my own name as a person that would be willing to be a part a group to help create a more open and streamlined process for those who come after me. I, gratefully, am nearing completion of my hours and supervision in residency. Changes in these rules will not likely affect my experience.  I have come to terms with this.  However, I cannot imagine that this system can continue to operate the way that it has without continued problems of backlogs, lapses, and poor communication.  I would be happy to support positive change and, when it becomes my turn to be a supervisor of impressionable residents in therapy, I can help them navigate a more clear and effective system, one that I can energetically support.   

CommentID: 23764